About Us - Whizbang Films
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Whizbang Films Inc. is a Toronto-based film and television production company with a primary focus on production services.

The company’s executive production background offers comfort to networks and streaming services and has lead to partnerships with CBS, Amazon Studios, Hulu, Netflix and others, and includes such award-winning original series as Star Trek: Discovery, The Handmaid’s Tale and Black Mirror.

Studio relationships include working partnerships with NBC, CBS and MGM Television.

As an independent boutique producer, Whizbang Films produces low-budget feature films which sell in territories around the world.

President & CEO Frank Siracusa has parlayed his success in navigating today’s evolving television landscape upon a domestic slate of critically acclaimed television mini-series and feature films.

Siracusa actively pursues new partnerships while continuing to solidify his strong ties with streaming platforms, conventional broadcasters and distributors throughout the entertainment industry.


Compelling stories. Worldwide audiences.