How Toronto’s Film and TV Production Has Surged Past $2 Billion
Toronto has been a beneficiary of this peak television moment, recording $950 million in 2016 for TV production, with film at $273 million.
Animation, special effects and commercials account for the rest of the more than $2 billion.
Spotlight on Toronto: A strategic action plan for the film, television and digital media industry, looked at the importance of the sector to the city. The report, released to city council on May 30, makes several key recommendations, including:
* Competitive, stable tax credits
* The need for more physical infrastructure such as studios and back offices to service the industry
* Creating and grooming top talent in the industry through training opportunities and academia
* A “concierge” service model for filming in the city where staff assists clients in every stage of planning for a shoot.
Read more: The Toronto Star